Business Checks, Computer Checks
2006 Tax Forms

TF52055, 4-Up Laser W-2

Product Image [TF5210]     Meets IRS Regulations
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Pricing Information:

  50 100 200 300 400 500 1000
TF52055 $34.00 $45.00 $57.00 $81.00 $108.00 $131.00 $243.00
Your Price: $27.20 $36.00 $45.60 $64.80 $86.40 $104.80 $194.40

Companies required to file 250 or more returns must file magnetically. Others may choose to do so. Call for details.

  • 4-parts to a page.
  • One sheet per employee. No Copy A or Employer Copy.
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Verify the number of W2 parts required for your state.

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